Monday, November 6, 2017

Honors 8th Grade Science Lab Letter

Hello my fabulous 8th grade science students!

Today, many of you noticed a new class connect session.  Way to go!  Thank you for being observant and thank you for attending.  This session is a class connect session for students who do not have any required Math or English Language Arts intervention classes.  It is an optional class-- and is not required.

If it is optional, then why is it there?

Our great principal, Angie Kreitzer and I met together at the end of last term.  I expressed that I wanted more time to do more hands-on science.  We have time in class to explain science, but not always enough time to do the science.  In this lab section, we will be doing the extra credit options that I had loaded on the OMS.  (For example, the "SAFE Halloween Ooze" 

Often, students need a demonstration of how to do these types of hands-on projects and need a teacher to consult with to complete them.  This extra class connect session provides students with that little bit extra from me.  It also gives time for students to share their projects.
For example, many students made and submitted awesome recordings of their "Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment".  However, class time did not permit me to show those experiments to their friends.  This gives me time to do so.  Class is more fun this way!

So, what does it mean to attend "Honors Science Lab" as a student?
·       It means your grades and scores in all of your classes are good.
·         It means you like to do science, hands-on!
·       You want to build things!
·       You are not afraid to get messy!
·       You want to go the extra mile to answer the harder questions!
·       You are willing to get supplies from home and have items set-up and ready to go before class.

What do I do if I want to attend lab but have a required intervention class?  No problem!  I am posting the recordings for you!  You can still do the projects!

What is our first project?  Today's class talked about an engineering design problem.

Situation: You have gone camping with your family and friends.  You decided to go on a hike.
Problem: Your clumsy friend tripped over a log.  You need to design and build something to carry ice to the injured person on the trail -- without it melting!  All you have to use is your camping supplies!
Task: Design (we did this part in class), create and build your ice-carrying device.  Remember, don't let your ice change its "state of matter" -- don't let it melt into water.  Please build your project and send photos to me.  My emails is:

Here is a link to a student-style submission.  This student had the opposite problem -- she needed to keep her rabbit's water from FREEZING!  However, it shows how simple solutions are often the best

Please email me and let me know if you would like to sign up for this extra class!  I am compiling an email list so that I can pre-contact students and learning coaches to let them know what items they need prior to coming to class.  By joining this list, you will get more emails from me, with a list of items we will be using for the experiments -- or topics we are going to "build" and need supplies for during the week.

You are awesome!  Have a great day!

Mrs. Shannon Mower, BS, MATS

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